Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability.
29 quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer
A chair is a very difficult object. A skyscraper is almost easier. That is why Chippendale is famous.
5 quotes from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Duke Ellington was famous for hs very original harmonic patterns.
9 views from Lawrence Welk
I am famous because I am an African American jazz artist.
2 quotes from Nat King Cole
Fate is being kind to me. Fate doesn't want me to be too famous too young.
6 quotes from Duke Ellington
We all want to be famous people, and the moment we want to be something we are no longer free.
9 other sayings from Jiddu Krishnamurti
Did you ever stop to think why cops are always famous for being dumb? Simple. Because they don't have to be anything else.
15 wisdom & wit from Orson Welles
I was obsessed with being rich and famous.
8 quotes from Paul Lynde
I think that when you are famous every weakness is exaggerated.
53 more quotes from Marilyn Monroe
It is a mark of many famous people that they cannot part with their brightest hour.
7 more sayings from Lillian Hellman
I'm famous. That's my job.
3 other quotes from Jerry Rubin
Martyrdom: The only way a man can become famous without ability.
115 thoughts from George Bernard Shaw
I'm bored with that line. I never use it anymore. My new line is 'In 15 minutes everybody will be famous.'
18 more quotes from Andy Warhol
In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.
18 sayings from Andy Warhol
Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.
18 more views from Andy Warhol
My idea of a good picture is one that's in focus and of a famous person.
18 sayings from Andy Warhol
After a fellow gets famous it doesn't take long for someone to bob up that used to sit by him in school.
27 sayings from Kin Hubbard
It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous.
10 other views from Robert Benchley
For a time, at least, I was the most famous person in the entire world.
2 views from Jesse Owens
They saw me, those reckless seekers of beauty, and in a night I was famous.
6 sayings from Lillie Langtry
The same people who can deny others everything are famous for refusing themselves nothing.
6 quotes from Leigh Hunt
To be famous, in fact, one has only to kill one's landlady.
52 quotes from Albert Camus
What a heavy burden is a name that has become too famous.
78 quotes from Voltaire
I'm the guy that made Joe DiMaggio famous.
2 quotes from Lefty Gomez
I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous.
23 more quotes from Walt Disney
Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate. Action is the dignity of greatness.
7 sayings from Jose Marti