If we openly declare what is wrong with us, what is our deepest need, then perhaps the death and despair will by degrees disappear. death
The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate. communication
Marriage is like paying an endless visit in your worst clothes. marriage
We pay when old for the excesses of youth. age
The greatest writers of this age... are aware of the mystery of our existence. age
To show a child what once delighted you, to find the child's delight added to your own - this is happiness. happiness
When I was young there was no respect for the young, and now that I am old there is no respect for the old. I missed out coming and going. respect
Comedy, we may say, is society protecting itself - with a smile. humor, smile & society
There was no respect for youth when I was young, and now that I am old, there is no respect for age, I missed it coming and going. age & respect