Quotes and anectdotes from the wise to the foolish, and the courageous to the drunk

Elias Canetti Writer

  • Gender: Male
  • Citizenship: Austria
  • Born: Jul 25, 1905
  • Died: Aug 14, 1994

Elias Canetti was a German language author, born in Bulgaria, and later a British citizen. He was a modernist novelist, playwright, memoirist, and non-fiction writer. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1981, "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and artistic power".

Success listens only to applause. To all else it is deaf. success

Justice requires that everyone should have enough to eat. But it also requires that everyone should contribute to the production of food. food

The fear of burglars is not only the fear of being robbed, but also the fear of a sudden and unexpected clutch out of the darkness. fear

He who is obsessed by death is made guilty by it. death

All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. dreams

Success is the space one occupies in the newspaper. Success is one day's insolence. success