Quotes and anectdotes from the wise to the foolish, and the courageous to the drunk

Joshua Chamberlain Military Commander

  • Gender: Male
  • Citizenship: United States
  • Born: Sep 8, 1828
  • Died: Feb 24, 1914

Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, born as Lawrence Joshua Chamberlain, was an American college professor from the State of Maine, who volunteered during the American Civil War to join the Union Army. Although having no earlier education in military strategies, he became a highly respected and decorated Union officer, reaching the rank of brigadier general. For his gallantry at Gettysburg, he was awarded the Medal of Honor. He was given the honor of commanding the Union troops at the surrender ceremony for the infantry of Robert E. Lee's Army at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. After the war, he entered politics as a Republican and served four one-year terms of office as the 32nd Governor of Maine. He served on the faculty, and as president, of his alma mater, Bowdoin College.

We know not of the future and cannot plan for it much. future

But the cause for which we fought was higher our thought wider... That thought was our power. power