Quotes and anectdotes from the wise to the foolish, and the courageous to the drunk

e. e. cummings Playwright

  • Gender: Male
  • Citizenship: United States
  • Born: Oct 14, 1894
  • Died: Sep 3, 1962

Edward Estlin Cummings, known as E. E. Cummings, with the abbreviated form of his name often written by others in lowercase letters as e e cummings, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. His body of work encompasses approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings. He is remembered as an eminent voice of 20th century English literature.

Humanity I love you because when you're hard up you pawn your intelligence to buy a drink. intelligence & love

Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense. love

Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination. imagination & knowledge

Unbeing dead isn't being alive. life

Kisses are a better fate than wisdom. Valentine's Day & wisdom

Be of love a little more careful than of anything. love

Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. experience

I imagine that yes is the only living thing. imagination

The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful. nature

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. courage & teen

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. learning

At least the Pilgrim Fathers used to shoot Indians: the Pilgrim Children merely punch time clocks. time

Listen there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go. good