Quotes and anectdotes from the wise to the foolish, and the courageous to the drunk

Anna Julia Cooper Historian

  • Gender: Female
  • Citizenship: United States
  • Born: Aug 10, 1858
  • Died: Feb 27, 1964

Anna Julia Haywood Cooper was an American author, educator, speaker and one of the most prominent African-American scholars in United States history. Upon receiving her PhD in history from the University of Paris-Sorbonne in 1924, Cooper became the fourth African-American woman to earn a doctoral degree. She was also a prominent member of Washington, D.C.'s African-American community.

One needs occasionally to stand aside from the hum and rush of human interests and passions to hear the voices of God. God

The cause of freedom is not the cause of a race or a sect, a party or a class-it is the cause of human kind, the very birthright of humanity. freedom