History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies. history
In other words, a democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it. government
The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens. health & society
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. money
Life is to be entered upon with courage. courage & life
The power of the periodical press is second only to that of the people. power
I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America. freedom
He was as great as a man can be without morality. great
When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness. future
Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith. faith
Those that despise people will never get the best out of others and themselves. best
No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country. freedom & war
We succeed in enterprises which demand the positive qualities we possess, but we excel in those which can also make use of our defects. business & positive
There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle. men & politics
There are two things which a democratic people will always find very difficult - to begin a war and to end it. war
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it. war
In politics shared hatreds are almost always the basis of friendships. politics
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. equality & freedom
A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it. government